Principal’s Page

At Walt Whitman School, we are dedicated to providing all students with a supportive environment to learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Through our focus on Authentic Learning and Inclusionary Practices, students become owners of their learning and engage with other students locally and globally while being appropriately challenged and feeling a sense of belonging within the school community.

Working together as a school community, we are proud of the…

  • Positive Actions at Whitman School (PAWS) program that recognizes students for being safe, respectful and ready to learn.
  • Extended learning opportunities available to support our students academic growth including across our district collaborations, and across other district collaborations.
  • Extracurricular interests provided from piano instruction to intramurals.
  • Parents and community members who give of their time to help with academics and after school with Parent-Teacher Organization events.
  • Daily efforts of our entire learning community to meet our children’s needs -social, physical or academic – no matter what the individual’s role is in the school.  

Together with parents and community members, we can partner together to make sure our students are prepared to be lifelong learners and productive citizens.

Samantha Roth, Principal


Lisa Applequist, Assistant Principal